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Forest Trees

The purpose of our quality work is to ensure that our services and products meet the customer's requirements.

• Quality checks are performed once a month. These are documented and the customer receives a copy.

• Operating meetings take place once a month during the first quarter, then once a quarter. Together with the customer's representative, we make an evaluation regarding quality reports, deviations, audits and measures. Complaints are resolved as soon as possible and efficiently so that the customer is satisfied and maintains a good customer relationship.

• Through continuous inspections of our suppliers, we ensure that the requirements for quality and environment are met in accordance with current standards.

• The staff undergoes training and information meetings to take part in various requirements for quality and environmental work.

• Cardinalis Miljövård strives to constantly improve its quality methods and is sensitive to all forms of information and knowledge that can lead to an improved control tool.

• We are responsive to views and suggestions from our customers and in this way we can experience the customer's requirements for high quality work with regard to current environmental requirements.


We clean exclusively with environmentally friendly methods and constantly test new products on the market to be at the forefront in terms of environment, ergonomics and efficiency.


All surface materials have their best way of cleaning. Today, our customers have a much larger range of materials than they did a number of years ago.


Floors in all their shapes and colors, carpets in even more variations and workplaces that no two are alike. This requires knowledge, experience and active monitoring to constantly clean with the right methods.

Cleaning with the wrong methods is unfortunately something that can be expensive to fix in the end. In the worst case, it can lead to having to replace the product, the floor, the table. Do not let that happen to you! Take care of your things in the right way and they will give you benefit and joy for many years, then you will find good finances and a green mind.

Modern cleaning tools, dry and damp methods, biological cleaners, microfiber and more.


We have worked professionally with cleaning since 2001 and we keep up with developments every day so you can be sure that we clean your premises in a correct way.

In addition to competent staff and modern working methods, we attach great importance to the environment and quality - only the best is good enough for our customers and our staff.

In our opinion, it is simply easier to do a good job if you have good tools to help. In addition, our tools are as visible as our staff in our customers' premises and we want to help your visitors get a professional impression when visiting your premises.

Business policy

Cardinalis Miljövård AB's business concept is that the cleaning of our customers should be carried out in such a way that it is perceived as part of its own operations and meets the customer's requirements for a good working environment for its own staff and other visitors.

Customer policy

Our customer philosophy, which permeates our entire company, means to always offer professional, responsible and personal service and to always deliver on time.

Personnel policy

Cardinalis Miljövård will be developed by taking advantage of and constantly developing the company's overall competence and experience.

Personnel policy

Cardinalis Miljövård will be developed by taking advantage of and constantly developing the company's overall competence and experience.

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